Whether it's working on our dreams and goals, or simply dealing with those nagging tasks that need done so we have time to work on our dreams and goals, procrastination has a way of keeping us from getting things accomplished.
I sometimes find myself saying, "I should __________", without taking action to do it right then. I recently heard someone say you have five seconds from the time you get an idea or thought in which to take action before your brain steps in to keep you from doing it.
We need to follow Nike's motto and "just do it". The times I do, I feel so much better and I get much more done. And it stokes me to do even more. I just need to do this more often, so I can do more of what I want to do. That's what I'm working on.
How about you? Want to join me in this challenge to tackle our procrastination? When you get a thought that you should do something, stop thinking about it and delaying, and just do it. The guilt goes away and the task gets done. :)