I haven't posted as much recently as we adjust to our seasonal changes (starting another year of homeschooling, ramping things up for my busier time in my handmade business, keeping up to date with the happenings of our local wildfires and possibilities of evacuation, etc.) I'll be back to posting more regularly again soon, but thought I'd pop in with this little reminder that I posted on facebook this morning...
It's tempting, but we don't have to give in to the "ugh" and "woe is me" feelings that are so draining of our precious energy. When we focus on being grateful for our blessings, and choose to be joyful even in the mundane things we have to do, it not only makes a difference in how we feel, but also in how much energy we have to tackle the rest of our day. |
We can affect our whole day simply by choosing how we start our day. Choose to start yours with gratitude and joy and see what a difference it makes. :)